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Thursday 19 June 2014

Write Better Activity Name in Primavera (Oil and Gas Project)

A well described activity name in Primavera Schedule often an items that overlooked by many planners. We often pay attention to WBS naming or the structure but the quality of Activity naming will be left alone.

Planner doesn't work alone and it is always a constant batter to provide a good explanation to the project team. An activity that poorly articulated can create confusion and dissatisfaction with the key stakeholder,

1.Use an action word.

You might want to consider to add an action word to begin with. For an EPC project, we can opt for words like issue, develop, incorporate or revise. For construction we can use words like install, fabricate, construct, dig, lay or hoist.

When adding an activity description you always want to add an action word first. For construction related activities consider such words as install, construct, place, or fabricate. For Engineering use action words such as develop, issue, or incorporate. Make sure you follow the action by the activity to be performed.

For example: "Lay instrumentation cable" , "Install Pump" or "Erect Scaffolding for Tank 25"
2.Be descriptive

An activity need to be in details and descriptive enough. For an example for a piping activity under construction you might think of including location, pipe size, type of activity or even weld type.

For example: " Tie-in TP3901 A/B Golden tie-in (2 Tie-in 2")"

Tie in point     = TP3901
Type of tie-in  = Golden Tie-in
Size of tie-in   = 2"

For example: " Tie-in TP1501 Tubing tie-in (6mm)"

Tie in point     = TP1501
Type of tie-in  = Tubing
Size of tie-in   = 6mm

For example: " Mechanical Pre-Commissioning for System 100-11-118 Hot wax"
This is for Pre-Comm activities derived from test package.

It will be better to assume that those who will read your schedule will not be able to use activity code, group or sorting. Hence make sure each activity can be understand without any coding headers.

Always assume that your reader will not be using your code grouping & sorting when reading yours schedule. Make sure each activity can stand on its own without any coding headers

3. Uniformity

It is a good practise to set a standardised activity description in order to have better understanding among the team members. Especially if the audience of your schedule comes from different background.

Use the <Action Word> – <Deliverable> – <System>

- Issue RFQ for 24" piping
- Award PO for Instrumentation cable
- Issue Tie-In - Jetty area
- Develop Data Sheet - Manual Valve

Above are just some of my idea in naming activities for a project in Primavera.


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